Wednesday, October 16, 2019

My future job

If I think in the future, I see a lot of possibilities. Constantly, I use to imagine how will be my future and now, I think that I have a kind of ideas about what I like to do.

First, I would like to have a job that motivates me, that will be challenging and help me to learn more. In this case, I think that a good job will be working with people, studying and having a commitment with them. So, it would be good being in a job that keeps me moving. I can work in an office but It would be great too if I could be in other places, with people and communities. For this reason, I would be in a job which requires travelling, visiting different places and contribute to society.

Now, I'm not very preoccupied about the salary, but probably in the future, I would like to have enough money to live alone and pay for my things. I don't think that I would gain so much money being anthropologist, and it's not a problem. 

However, another possibility for my future is to continue the career, studying a specialization or doing a postgrad, not necessarily in Anthropology. I would like to study architecture, art, urbanism, aesthetics in another country like Argentina, Brazil or Mexico. This possibility is my favourite because requires travel, live alone, work hard, etc. It's a kind of personal challenge that I would like to do, but it's really complex to do.

To finish, I think that Anthropology has diverse employment areas, and It presents an advantage because in a future, I could be opted and do a lot of things working like anthropologist.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Euthanasia shoul be legal in Chile

Personally, I think that euthanasia should be legal in Chile.

Nowadays, the state norms the privacy and the personal life with a lot of laws, like the abortion and euthanasia law. So, the state tries to take the control of the population with arguments like "defending life" and penalizing practices that "attack against life". 

In the case of euthanasia, it is illegal in Chile and it's problematic because the people don't be able to decide about finishing their lifes. I think that could be very difficult be in a situation that requieres take that decision, but it's important too have the option to decide about the own life, having in consideration the conditions that envolves the process.

A clear example about this topic, it's the fact of much people suffer illness that requires time, money, psycological attention, physical and mental wear, etc. For that reason, in very delicate situations, the patient should be able to take the voluntary decision about put ending of it own life with a minimum of conditions that insure a dignified death.

The euthanasia debate it's very complex, but the state have to asegurate that the population have acces to take this kinds of decisions and not threaten and penalice the practice.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Everyone should be a vegetarian

Today I'm going to write about vegetarianism and their importance and impact in the world. Personally, I'm agree with this practice and I think is very important take conscience about it-

First, vegetarianism is a practice of don't eat meat, so the people who are vegetarian based their alimentation in vegetables, legumes, fruits and another thing to replace the meat consume. I think that practice let take conscience about how it works the meat industry, it enviromental impact and the damage to animals who are exploted for human consume.

Me, for example, I have been vegetarian for almost 3 years, and it was a very positive change, principally because I used to have problems with my alimentation, I didn't eat very much and never liked so much the meat, so when I changed my alimentation was a change of lifestyle. I taked conscience about my consume, I started to ate more, learn to cook a lot of different recipes and met new aliments and vegetables that I never ate before. It's been a really good experience left the meat.

In an utopic way, will be great that all the people don't eat meat, eggs, milk, etc. But been realistic I think that will be good that the people consume less meat and take the time to know anothers forms to alimentate.

Resultado de imagen para frutas y vegetales

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Best holidays ever

My best holidays ever was in February 2018, in Buenos Aires.

I went alone to Buenos Aires. First, I was scared about travelling by myself, but I was convinced that was an experience that I had to do.

When I arrived in Buenos Aires, the first thing that I did was taking an autobus in Retiro to the house of my friend who let me stay in her house. I remember that I saw the streets and people through the bus' windows and felt nervous and anxious to know the city.

My first three days in Buenos Aires were so reflexive, because I was alone and having so much time with myself, thinking about life, the things that I like, the incredible who was staying in a different city and more.

In my fourth day in Buenos Aires, someone came to the house, Sebastián. Seba was a Chilean boy who lived in the house. When I met him, it was good because he became my friend and showed me a lot of things of the city that I didn't know, like Guerrin (the best pizza shop in the city); a gelateria called Cadore; the library El Ateneo, and some bars in El Abasto and San Telmo.

Also, I knew Cami and Martu, two Argentinian girls who had so much in common with me. When I knew they we went to a concert from Las Ligas Menores and we drank fernet with coca cola till the dawn. Another day, with Cami went to a Jam de poesía femininja, that was a kind of concert of feminist poetry, with music and wine, and the next day we went to a big concert where I saw a band that I like so much called Tobogán Andaluz.

The twenty days that I was in Buenos Aires were really magic, I drank so much beer, ate pizza, knew how to take bus around the city, met new places, museums, people, etc.

Friday, August 23, 2019

A country I'd like to visit

Hello! Today I'm going to talk about a country that I'd like to visit.
Personally, I would like to visit Mexico, because I think the mexican culture has a lot of interesting things like food, art, literature, architecture, and a particular history.

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I would like to learn more about Zapatismo, that it's an autonomist indigenous movement in Mexico who have like object live an autonomist develope, political and cultural. For that, I'd like visit the comunities of indigenas in the south of Mexico and see how they live in an autonomous way, what they do and how is their political formation, how they organize and work.

Also, I like the chilean writer Roberto Bolaño who has books that talks about Mexico. I think I have an idea of Mexico that has a strong relation with the literature of Bolaño. In their books he talks about some streets, coffees and universities of the city, so I would like to visit the UNAM, edifices and the principal avenues of the City of Mexico. And too, personally like the urbanism and the architecture, so I think that important part of visit a different country it's learn about their streets and monuments.

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In the future, I would like to study in Mexico. First, because I think that all the countries in Latin America share some cultural characteristics, and it's very interesting see how differente or how similar we are. Second, because they have a big developement on the social sciencies and it would be an amazing experiencie continue my studies in a place like that.

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Friday, November 25, 2016

Women and social sciences

In the field of the social sciences exists a lot of prominent and renowned men, but it’s not usual heard about women who are part of studies about sociology, psychology, anthropology and more. I think it happen because, historically, the world thinks that the women can’t produce scientific knowledge. To discuss it, I will talk about Margaret Mead.

Margaret Mead was an American social anthropologist, pioneer at the study of sexuality and their relation with the culture. The most part of her work was in Samoa, studying the teenagers. One of the most important things that did Margaret mead was develop the concept of gender in social sciences, for this reason is one of the principal precursor and an important personality at the feminist movement.

Product of the things recently mention, she was view in a badly form for the scientifics of her time. Even, and anthropologist called Derek Freeman, when Mead died, publish a book in what said that all the work of Margaret Mead in Samoa was bad. The community of anthropologists didn’t put attention about Freeman said, they defended to Margaret.

So, we need to know about the relevance of the women at the social sciences. We can produce the knowledge that we want!

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My future job

If I think in the future, I see a lot of possibilities. Constantly, I use to imagine how will be my future and now, I think that I have...