Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Everyone should be a vegetarian

Today I'm going to write about vegetarianism and their importance and impact in the world. Personally, I'm agree with this practice and I think is very important take conscience about it-

First, vegetarianism is a practice of don't eat meat, so the people who are vegetarian based their alimentation in vegetables, legumes, fruits and another thing to replace the meat consume. I think that practice let take conscience about how it works the meat industry, it enviromental impact and the damage to animals who are exploted for human consume.

Me, for example, I have been vegetarian for almost 3 years, and it was a very positive change, principally because I used to have problems with my alimentation, I didn't eat very much and never liked so much the meat, so when I changed my alimentation was a change of lifestyle. I taked conscience about my consume, I started to ate more, learn to cook a lot of different recipes and met new aliments and vegetables that I never ate before. It's been a really good experience left the meat.

In an utopic way, will be great that all the people don't eat meat, eggs, milk, etc. But been realistic I think that will be good that the people consume less meat and take the time to know anothers forms to alimentate.

Resultado de imagen para frutas y vegetales

1 comment:

  1. I am vegetarian since 9 years ago and that make me more healthy and I Cook a lot, I hope some day I become vegan


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